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Aluminum packaging: cans


About 180 billion aluminum beverage cans are produced each year. Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been using them since 1967

Aluminum containers, especially cans, are recognized as environmentally friendly (ecofriendly) due to their relative ease of processing. More than half of these cans are returned to circulation after processing, and in some countries, for example, in Germany, this figure reaches 95%. Drinks in aluminum cans retain their taste qualities longer and are protected from external influences. Aluminum is also resistant to corrosion and has high durability.

It takes about 60 days from the moment of production to the reuse of an aluminum can. Aluminum recycling can significantly reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, since production from recycled material requires 95% less energy than production from primary raw materials.

Despite the higher manufacturing cost compared to glass jars, the use of aluminum is 3.5% more economical due to its lightness and strength, which is especially important when transporting over long distances. Modern aluminum cans with a volume of 0.33 liters weigh about 25 grams with a wall thickness of no more than 0.08 mm.

The production of aluminum cans begins with the creation of a blank made of an alloy containing aluminum, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon and copper. The workpiece is transformed into a housing, which is then treated with hydrochloric acid to give shine and varnished for better sliding. An image is applied to the jar and covered inside with food varnish. The process is completed by forming the neck and fixing the lid after filling the jar.

Innovations in packaging not only increase the usability of products, but also contribute to reducing waste through reuse. So in Japan, aluminum bottles with a threaded stopper and "smart" cans capable of cooling or heating the liquid inside appeared.